The group lessons I offer for children take place in small groups of 3 to 5 students at the NMS Bern or online. To register, I ask you to register your child in the relevant subject and school level using the registration form.
A course can be held as soon as 3-5 students from the same school level have decided to teach the same subject and can agree on a common time window (day of the week and time) and learning format (remote vs. on-site). If you wish to make a booking, I will establish the relevant contacts and encourage an exchange.

The group lessons offered come as a package with 18 learning units (LE) and start from CHF 900, - depending on the level. Please refer to the registration form for the latesst rates for the subject you are interested in.

In times of global change, new perspectives and necessities emerge, proven methodology and new learning formats melt into a new norm in the digital age. I also offer all of my courses, specially tailored, as a purely digital experience, conveniently delivered via Zoom, Skype or MS Teams.
When booking a course, just let me know which format you and your child favor, be it flexibly remote or classic on-site. Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages and the optimal result is often achieved by combining remote learning and dedicated learning sessions in person.